Thursday, August 9, 2007

Remember the Sabbath day?

I know its been a minute since I posted anything, but I have been working a bit harder on my poems, so its taking me a bit longer. But at any rate... I was having a discussion with a very close friend of mine on the phone a couple of nights ago, and we got on the topic of religion and how keeping the Sabbath is very important. It's a commandment that is often overlooked. (For those of you who are not SDA, on Saturday is considered our Sabbath. It is a day of rest from work, and considered the Lords day that we keep holy by dedicating it to Him) SOOO my friend and I were getting into our discussing about those who make acceptions to the rule of the Sabbath. For example, those who are in the medical field who feel they are excused because they are saving lives, or doing a service to other people. But my question is... If your getting paid how much of a service is it? Then some offer the solution of: whatever money you were supposed to make that day give it to God as an offering. And although now the action can be placed in the category of a service, is that enough? I think mentality has alot to go with it too. I don't think people are working necessarily to serve and help thy neighbor, I think they are working, to keep from getting fired. Did God set up the Sabbath as a day to serve or volunteer on His day? What about the other aspects of the Sabbath? I thought the sabbath was a time to go to church, fellowship and reflect on God. I have aunt's and church members who work on Sabbath all the time, and my sister is med school, who is already experiencing the struggle. And I still don't know if giving God your paycheck for the day is right. But i do know that he bible says, If you love God, you'll keep his commandments and the 4th is very clear. And the friend I was having this conversation with said just imagine if all of the SDA's would stand up and say, keep the Sabbath holy the way we're supposed to. If the cafeteria on Andrew's campus would close down on Saturday, and not make the students work on the Sabbath. And if we would use fridays as the preparation day so we won't have to eat out on Sabbath. Imagine the impact if could have. We can't expect to be the example if we don't set the same rules for everyone. But its understandable that people don't want to lose their jobs, but God gave them that job, He can get them another...right? right!

But ya'll I really wrote about this to see what you guys think about it, because I was taught that the Sabbath is the most holy day that we must respect 100%. But things seems to be changing. I really want some feed back. I want to know what you think. Is working on the Sabbath excusable???


Unknown said...

Working on the Sabbath is to me not excusable but I believe God understands circumstances. My parents used to work on Sabbath and hated it like the plague. Eventually after a few years they requested for nights at work. Now they go to church Every Sabbath. This is in the medical field . Something that lasts a good 24 hours of work there is a possibility that one can work OUT of the sabbath. I mean sometimes they work Friday night but the entire time they are there worshipping whenever they can. If you just want to work on Sabbath to get out of church then I believe God has a problem with that. If you truly work on Sabbath because you have no choice then I don't see the problem with that. I have only worked on Sabbath once in my life and that's when I worked at AU. Since that day I talked to them and told them I will not be working on Sabbaht anymore and they couldn't say anything to me cause being an SDA school they can't ignore your Adventist rights. Overall I don't think it is a "sin" to work on Sabbath. I think there is a problem when one chooses to work on the Sabbath to get out of church.

Anonymous said...

The bible/Jesus says it is good to do good on the Sabbath and that includes various types of work. There are engineers and many other people who if they didn't do their job on sabbath we wouldn't be able to have light or water if something happened. The idea behind the sabbath is the God made a memorial for us to commune with Him and to abstain from the things that we normally would do. Certain jobs must be done. We have to work on our relationship with Christ so that He can tell us what is necessary and what isn't. I believe in a perfect world of sabbath keepers many provisions would be made and many people would plan ahead for the sabbath and we would have a wonderful system and way to keep Gods Sabbath holy. For now we just have to do our best. Also it isn't about what we think or believe is okay about the sabbath it is about what they bible says and the Holy Spirit encourages.

Unknown said...

I agree with Brien when it comes to the circumstances you are under. For some, they don't have any other choice but to work, and I believe God understands that. If you look at the stories of Jesus in the Bible, you will see that He did His work on the Sabbath; it wasn't that you always found Him in the synagogue worshipping God. He has His business to do, and He did it. I think when one is faced with that situation, they have to analyze it carefully and make sure that whatever they're doing isn't for the wrong reason. The people I know that work in the medical profession, they tell me that they also try to take the breaks they have and use it to be in reflection with God if they are working on the Sabbath. Whatever situation it is, I think it has to come down between you and God, and you really would have to let Him lead you in that decision.

Poetess said...

Thanks for the comments guys!! I have madd family members who work on the Sabbath too. But it was something we never really talked about it. Thanks for your opinions on the subject. Its shining some light on a subject thats usually not discussed in my house.

Anonymous said...

I feel u on alot of points. I also feel that we shouldnt work on the Sabbath but that depending on the circumstance or the situation will can and will forgive. Its really complicated as some of your arguments show. I think alot of what we believe depends on what we know and our interpretation of different verses of the bible

Anonymous said...

I been reading comments and Deidre;s notes and i feel like i understand what everyone is sayin until the point where people say that they work on SAbbath because they have no choice. everyone has a choice. and i think back to Daniel and the Hewbrew boys who took a stand for Christ. i think its different in some ways but the concept is the same and its a personal relationship with Christ and faith that causes change. Those guys had faith that God would provide a way out of now way. Why dont we feel like God will provide a way if we dont work on sabbath. why do we feel like things will fall apart if we keep the sabbath holy. i am not saying that we should not feel people or help the sick and shut in. but you can still take sabbath off and go to church and volunteer anyway you like if working means that much to you. try God, put him to the test. In faith step out and see if he will come through for you by not working on sabbath, but the mere fact that its so easy for us to justify working is what causes the problem.

Anonymous said...

just think God set up the people of Israel when he sent them a double portion of mana on friday, so they dont have to gather on sat. As for working on the sabbath, its tough, occupations like nurses and doctors, its hard to say cause u are working to help the sick, yea u making cash but u are helping heal. Jesus never took a break on healing. But if u work at Wal Mart, or Verizon ect. there is no excuse, i have never worked on Sabbath, on my interviews i let everyone know that im a Seventh Day adventist and that i WILL NOT WORK ON SABBATH. i have missed out on a lot of really good jobs, but if God doesnt set it up for me how good can they be???

Sarah Fowler said...

i dont think that there is ever a reason to work on the sabbath. God would not create a day and make a rule that His people could not keep. then. He would not be an all knowing God. God is always right, and when we humans stop trying to "fit Him into out boxes" as the cliche says, then we will realize that all things are possible through Christ, especially being a Christian. this is one of the commandments. i dont think there is any exception to committing adultery...i could be wrong...

Poetess said...

Sarah, that is my partially my opinion too. I feel you girl.

Anonymous said...

I feel you 100% on this too. Actually I think we spoke about this before. I used the example of my mom who is a nurse. I was born and raised that the Sabbath day is to be kept holy and as a nurse my mother found ways to try to keep to that. First thing she changed is that she works nights. Nights allow her to be able to enjoy her Sabbath day. Then you ask...what about Friday nights. She traded a Sunday with a co-worker so that the co-worker works the Friday night for her and my mom works the Sunday for her. I also agree with you. It all has to do with your frame of mind. If you decide to give your works earnings to God that you recieved for working on Sabbath, it should not be given in vain. If its given in vain then you might as well just keep the money. Also working on Sabbath and the way you go about it all depends on your relationship with God. Just as he gave you the job he can take it away. On another note...if working on Sabbath is a "no no" what about Adventist colleges where students need to be fed or Adventist hospitals where doctors and nurses do need to make a living?!-Cassy

Monica said...

I truly believe in keeping the Sabbath. Every since my Baptism it has been a very major part of my spiritual walk and it identifies who I am and an expression of Christ in me. I will not ignore or try to make my "now" situation fit into a space that is obviously contrary to God's Word and my disobedience to that Word. I love the Lord with all my heart and everything in me and whether I can or cannot show Him that love through His Words of "if you love me keep my commandments," one thing I am sure of and will forever stand on is that... God's loves me. He foreseen this situation long before it happened and He knew that I would be weak in making a decision and yet again His Words rang out loud and clear" My Grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. I am in a situation and have made the wrong decision and I lay it before the Father in confession, repentance and asking for forgiveness. I know that my Father, creator of heaven and earth, the sea and all there within, will not leave me here. I pray Father for all of those who are struggling with keeping your commandments that you rescue us from the clutches of the adversary and deliver us from Egypt.

Anonymous said...

In the bible, in the days of the Israelites, the priests and Levites worked on the Sabbath day. Christ even admits he works on the Sabbath day. I think that God the Father works on the Sabbath day. I even believe that Christ Jesus intercedes for us before the Father on the Sabbath.
You should ask yourself if you were sick or in need of serious help would you want someone taking care of you? And, if you needed someone to take care of you how would you feel if they said only if you can pay me? Remember the sayings; even as you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me. And, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
It is right to be merciful and kind and loving on the Sabbath day. Remember when you are with patients you should be worrying about, am I offending god and am I offending the patient this is the meaning of love the ten commandments love to god and man you should think about that because you always have to walk circumspectly like the bible admonishes if you have love in your heart then there is now therefore no condemnation to those who walk not after the flesh but are led of god through his Holy Spirit to follow his commandments and sayings. I think it is hard to be a nurse and offend god on the Sabbath day it is the perfect opportunity for you to shine for Jesus let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.
If you work on the Sabbath, it should be to save peoples’ lives and to comfort others. And, a hospital is a perfect place for that. Many people think that just because you go to church you are keeping the Sabbath day holy. But, I would submit, yes, you should do these things, but do not let these other things go undone. The Sabbath is a holy convocation. And, from the example of Jesus, other things are permissible and needful.

Anonymous said...

So i'm glad i found this, since i'm trying to make the decision about working on the Sabbath right now. Fresh out of nursing school and at the first job is the time to make this decision right? it looks like this is a kinna older blog but thankx for posting and thankx for the comments too. Gives me something to pray/think about. Please pray God leads me to the best decision, soon.

Anonymous said...

Some people said: “This is wrong but God Understand, there is no other choice.” O course God understands you and me, and He understand us better than we can do ourselves! (Just like the unfaithful husband that said to his wife: “I was alone for so long, that you have to understand a man has his needs.” Yea right!)
We need to stop looking our wills and start looking GOD wills.
Is ok to do good deeds on Sabbath Jesus did it many times. If not us, who is going to take care of the pt on Sabbath day, or feed the students at our Universities, that are preparing to take the gospel all over the world?
There is no a simple answer for this matter. But we can go to the Bible and the E.G. White writings and pray God to give us light over the subject not to do our will, but God‘s will. The following link will give you Bible verses and E.G. White writings, GOD BLESS and Pray for me I just finish my BSN too.

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