Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Oh to be Re-bourne...

Hey ya'll. Ok so I don't consider myself a movie critic by any means, But I've decided to speak on this. Early this week I saw the Bourne Ultimatum, and my boyfriend was incredible in that movie. I've always had a hidden passion for white boys, being that I basically grew up in an Abercrombie oasis. There's just something about a tight shirt wearing, ripped knee patch, ball capped white boy that is a little bit attractive. Now picture that same cute white boy, but now he's dirty and bloody and pissed off. Flying all over the world kicking butt. His piercing blue eyes burn deep while his lips tighten with ever blow delivered to his adversaries. Just GANGSTA for no good reason. Calm and Cool, but still a ticking time bomb. I don't want to ruin the movie for anyone, but my fiance was gangsta for real. From Madrid to NYC...Just angry!! And no this is not a characteristic I desire in my future mate, but there is something about an aggressive, take control kinda guy. The kinda of man whose blood pumps testosterone like nitro. I MAN'S MAN. And I can appreciate a movie that appeals to the male and female gender. And its not body appearance that does it, nor is he shirtless and flaunting perfect pectorals during the movie. Just his mannerism, the idiosyncracy of his movements, dependability in every situation. OOOOH BOYYY! If you haven't seen it...GO SEE IT! but please rent Bourne Identity and Bourne Supremacy if you haven't seen them. My husband will blow your socks off...(yes we're married!! SHEESH)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMAO! Haven't seen it, but I'll get on it!-Cassy