Saturday, September 1, 2007


Happy Sabbath!!

After you've done something that you knew was wrong, has there ever been a time when you just couldn't get it off of your mind. It was like a mouse gnawing on your brain all day? Or maybe even something you've said that was hurtful to someone else, has it ever stayed on your mind for a really long time? That feeling is called guilt. We should actually rejoice in that feeling of guilt. Now im not saying that we should be glad we have something to be guilty about, but we should be happy to know that whatever we've done has made us uncomfortable. We should start to worry when we are messing up left and right an we just continue about our day like nothing has happened. That means we have become COMFORTABLE in our sinful ways. That's when the trouble starts, and the Devil rejoices, and keeps on working on us.

There used to be a time when I would frequent clubs and parties, I would even drink and smoke (I know ya'll!! I KNOW!) And when i didn't know Jesus, It was never a problem. It was second nature. Everyone else was there. All my friends came with me so it wasn't a big deal. everyone else was bumping a grinding. I would see people who come to church faithfully that were posted on the wall with they booties in the air. So What!! But as i learned more about Jesus, the more UNcomfortable I became. I wasn't so eager to go to these parties anymore. It just wasn't as fun anymore. And the guilt of what I was doing started to set in. I felt guilty because I was setting a bad example to my fellow Christians. I was the girl in the choir loft. I was the first face you saw when you came into church, and the first rear end you'd see bent over on the dance floor. Talk about a double life. Guilt ya'll! Powerful stuff. And not to toot my own horn, but I was popular. Everyone knew who i was. Active in the church, choir, head usher, sign language ...THE WORKS! But what does that do to my ministry when im singing praises to God on Saturday morning, And everyone expects to see me on Saturday night shaking ma bootay? I wouldn't believe what I was saying either! I was someone stumbling block and didn't even know it.

So After the guilt set in...God went to work on me! What an amazing God we serve! I became more and more unanxious to attend these gathering, and that was Him slowly changed the desires of my heart. I no longer had a desire to even enter the building, even to be a wall flower. He replaced the friends that used to improperly influence me with those who tried to lift me up. And those friends i still have in my life who are still partying, maybe i was meant to be a proper influence on them. God is Good. So remember next time you feel guilty about something you've done, or your lifestyle, be happy that you still have the ability to distinquish right from wrong. And realize there is still time for God to change the desires of your heart, if you allow him to. AMEN!!


Anonymous said...

good blog!

Anonymous said...


Poetess said...


Anonymous said...

I just want to say that you are speaking of my exact experienc. well said.