Sunday, October 28, 2007

So Long...

I know I haven't posted anything new in probably a good month. I hope I still have some readers left, and you all haven't moved to more consistent blogs. My hiatus from the blog scene is because I've decided to actually do something with my life. I was growing tired of sitting at home all day and feeling sorry for myself. Rejection after rejection from job after job, and I could feel my mind slowly mushing into oblivion. But in my moments of immense reflection on where I am in my life, I look at my strides along with its setbacks. I realize that I have overcome more then I give myself credit for. I've been on a crazy journey these last 23 years, and I think its time to share it. I've been talking to a publisher about putting my poetry into book form, but after much reconsideration, I've decided to started my first novel. I don't know if I can call this an autobiography, but there will definitely MANY elements that I will have grabbed from my personal experiences.
I have so much hesitation about it because there will be some elements of my life that I of course want to keep hidden, and I don't want to step on anyone's toes, but I think some people need to be encouraged by a story of triumph in spite of bad choices, insecurities, and struggles with spirituality vs. the rest of the world. It's a young woman's journey to Christ... Better yet, My Journey to Christ.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Our Love...

My feet left earth the first
time he kissed me.
My thoughts disconnected
from my reality.
And the sensation took a
run with mental agility.
I held our love with
an essential frailty
and I tucked it deep
within my hearts cavity.
Oh honey love.
Dripped sweet and thick like
the passion that dances
off of our lips.
Just when I thought love was
a cynics perfect argument.
It put selfish games away
and submitted.
As did we.
We surrendered to a devotion
sealed secure with
the unyielding lock of truth.
To a bonded allegiance guarded
by the army of commitment.
I finally gave my full amour
to a love basking in the endless
sunshine of warm perfection.
And we would stand at the pinnacle
of love's mountaintop
and risk frostbite on snow caps,
Just to reach an altitude
worthy enough to thank
God for this gift.
Adrift on love's raft
unharmed by the waves crash
or misfortune from below.
I hold on to he and he to me.
And we to the Almighty.
And God is why our Love
remains steadfast.
And He is why the burning
sands of life fall
like summer rain.
And we fill each other with
a feeling we won't explain.
because who needs explanation
for blood through veins?
or clouds filled with rain,
Wings on a plane,
Or thoughts to a brain.
He needs me,
Like I need him.
And this
simply put, is
our love.
