Saturday, June 14, 2008

Back again...

SO here I am again trying not to pull a mental hamstring, since being out of the writing game for so long. Be patient while I loosen up again. UPDATES: There hasn't been a whole lot going on in my life. I have been working my behind off, trying to get my grades up, so I can transfer to a real University again (mission accomplished). After taking classes this past semester I have passed all of them with A's and I am ready to get this degree. I got my acceptance letter in the mail on Friday. I've never been so hungry for school in all of my life. I'm usually the one laid back and riding the waves on this academic journey, but now I am on a tiny life raft trying to paddle my way to the shore. I GOT to have it. I NEED to have it. There is no quesiton about it. I see the finish line and nothing will get in my way.
I am currently employeed at a Kohls here where I live, and working in retail is quite the experience. I have a hard enough time picking up after myself, let alone some random teenagers whose mamas never taught them how to hang a shirt and put it back where they found it. Seriously, I think some of them are just doing it on purpose. Next time I see a girl walk in to my dressing room with 4 shirts, that are identical in style and size but different in color, I'm gonna have to pull her to the side and tell her THE COLOR DOESN'T CHANGE THE FIT! Pick one and leave my store. But all in all, its not my dream job but I grin and bare it and pick up my check every Friday. Its only temporary (thats what I keep telling myself)
Other than that the monotony of school, work, and church has been consistant. But consistantly good. I love church more and more and I try my hardest to soak in as much as i can to carry it throughout my week. But the Day to day spiritual walk had been a rocky road to say the least. And I'm walking on it barefooted, and in need of guidance. Its crazy how the fire slowly dies after being so spiritually elevated. But i will Expand on that rollercoaster in a later blog.
But other than the slight annoyances at work, and working on my own spiritual discipline, life is turning into a beautiful thing. I have made a lot of great new friends here, and I'm becoming more comfortable here. Will I stay in Atl? Who knows... But I am going to take advantage of the everything while I am here. A few more updates, but that will come tomorrow. G'night readers.

Deidre Nichole

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