Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I got this...

So, as the struggles of life continue I do everything I can to avoid my adversary. But still this evil thing has taken away the things I love. It keeps me from enjoying what used to bring me happiness. And everytime I think I can overcome and truimph, and stick to the vows I committed myself to, I fail. I backslide. I give in. That D named enemy is upon me as I type. And its on my mind every second of the day. That opponent that is challenging me is called my DIET! LORD HAVE MERCY!!!! Maybe not everyone can relate to this blog, because ya'll are in pretty good shape. But for those readers who might have a lil too much junk in their trunks, or maybe your stomach is in need of its own zip code. Or perhaps your case is not as extreme, and you just want to be able to wear cordoroys without fear of your thighs catching fire. Whatever your situation, I feel you pain, and possibly a lil bit more (especially in my knees) lol. But seriously ya'll I am on a major diet. Calorie counting, pedometer wearing, fruit chomping, Veggie steaming diet. and its ROUGH! Breaking bad habits is not easy, and when your used to a certain way of life, its hard to do differently. But I had to realize that chips and dip at 2am isn't the best idea. And I shouldn't be sneaking downstairs like a burglar for midnight snacks. I have always been pleasantly plump, ever since I was a baby. I don't even know what it feels like to be a "normal" size for my age. Of my sisters I was the biggest baby, and from then on it was just a way of life for me. I was used to it. And I was comfortable with myself for the most part, But I was tired of being the girl with a pretty face and a body that I couldn't be equally as proud of. While I've embrace my voluptuousness I was beginning to feel awkward in my own skin. Lately, sitting in jeans became uncomfortable, and my baby toe would fall asleep every so often. And I apologize for my boldness, but I'm tired of having to wear under garment body shapers everytime I want to wear a cute dress. It's not about turning heads at this point, (even though I will be able to buy cuter clothes and shoes). It's more about freedom. Freedom from fear of arm chairs, sleeveless shirts and flights of stairs. I just want to be healthy and happy. I'm excited though. I can do this. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So, I will let you guys know my progress and keep you filled in on my journey from *** pounds to something I can really be proud of. ( Ya'll tripping if you thought I was telling you that number. )


Anonymous said...

I love you so much D for doing this!! You g'head girl and do what u got to do make you happy because in the end that's what matters!!

Anonymous said...

You can do it Dee. With God All things are possible. So when that sweet tooth hits you late night in the middle of that paper that was due yesterday, consult the maker before you take that bite. Remember it will always be there....

From a fellow Struggler who has hope just like you...

Anonymous said...

Girl, the important thing is to love the skin that you're in. If this is what you feel you need to do, then do it by God's grace. You can.