Saturday, July 28, 2007


Dreams are only as big as your dare to dream them... Keep your dreams small, and and they will hover just above the dust with no hope of reaching the sky. Sure you might reach them, but did you really have to stretch that far? I used to do that. I was an assasin to my potenial because i was scared I would fail. And in the end i still felt like a failure, because i didn' accomplish anything i could be proud of. Growing up I was always comparing myself to my sisters. First of all their names begin with L, and mine starts with a D. So from jump I built up the stigma that i was automatically going to be different. I thought my parents always expected me to be inferior. Never even bothered to sign me up for a piano or dance lesson. So i figured, they never saw anything in me, so why should I? But that was only childhood sibling rivalry these things pass don't they? Not all the time.
We grew up, matured, gained reponsibility, and our dreams changed from pop star to doctor and from Gymnist to Biologist. But me, i said DOCTOR...HA! who me? yeah right... So my life long dreams capped off at being a Las Vegas poker/blackjack dealer or maybe the official shot clock operator at NBA games. Dumb jobs that no one at a private university should ever even "dream" of working. My sister is in Med school my other sister does research at Umass medical... Do you know what that means? They know the human body inside and out. They know how it operates, and how everything is connected, and can probably slice it up and put it back together without a problem. Me... I write poems, and stories, im pretty creative. I sing, act, and do sign what! But here is how my sisters were(past tense) different from me. They choose their dreams according to their passions. I chose my dreams according to ease in attainability. But why shouldn't my passions be my dreams? My talents are singing, writing, acting, sign language, and performance. So who's gonna stop me from performing my talents? No one on this earth can stop me, but me. But if God sees fit, i should use my talents to the best of my abilities. Please don't get it twisted, I will finish school and get my degree, because i believe education is important, but i will not be stuck at a job doing something i don't have a passion for. Point Blank.
"When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality" - Dom Camara
My dream writing a best selling novel, while pursuing acting. Seem like a long shot? Well with dreams you gotta have something to stretch for. Right?

"No one should negotiate their dreams. Dreams must be free to flee and fly high. No government, no legislature, has a right to limit your dreams. You should never agree to surrender your dreams."- Jesse Jackson

Dream on...


Unknown said...

Beautiful... Snaps... I feel closer to you already sis... at least I get to know a little more of what's behind that image you put up... love ya

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